02. Apr 2021
Book review➤ trans* migrations: cartographies of the queer / Maks Valenčič
It’s always risky (and even reductive) to entrust the revolutionary potential to one group or identity – be it the proletariat, amazons fostered... more
It’s always risky (and even reductive) to entrust the revolutionary potential to one group or identity – be it the proletariat, amazons fostered... more
Inke Arns že od leta 1993 deluje kot kuratorica, piska in teoretičarka, ki se posveča medijski umetnosti in spletni kulturi, od leta 2005 pa je... more
Domen Ograjenšek . Entry point: Critical reflection of contemporary art works can be often found in the company of moral judgments, whose main... more
Domen Ograjenšek Ever since the supposed occurrence of the pedagogical turn (O’Neill & Wilson, 2010) in the past decade or so, the... more