Šum #5

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ŠUM #5 – Meltdown: Middle Europe: Accelerationism

The fifth issue of Šum Journal comes with two translations: a contamination of the local culture-sphere with ‘Meltdown’ of Nick Land (translation: Marko Bauer) and the text of Hamid de Oliveira ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’ translated by Andrej Tomažin. Furthermore, a manifesto against vaporwave ‘Antivejvporvejv Manifejsto’ as written by Hydrogen Element Remainder and a text by Nejc Slukan, who tries to locate (non)human rhythms in repetitive electronic music. Aljaž Zupančič writes about the meltdown of the state in the context of immanent cybernetics, Andrej Škufca about xenomorphic objects, and Marko Bauer in dialog with the project ‘Acta non Verba’ (Kladnik & Neon) about accelerationism, design and art.

ŠUM, revija za kritiko sodobne umetnosti

Št. 5, Stalitev: Srednja Evropa. Akceleracionizem

December, 2016

ISSN tiskane izdaje: 2335-4232 | ISSN spletne izdaje: 2536-2194

Authors: Marko Bauer, Nick Land, Hamid de Oliveira, Ostanek vodikovega elementa, Tjaša Pogačar, Nejc Slukan, Andrej Škufca, Aljaž Zupančič

Editors of this issue: Andrej Škufca, Marko Bauer, Tjaša Pogačar, Andrej Tomažin

Editorial Board: Izidor Barši, Kaja Kraner, Tjaša Pogačar, Andrej Škufca

Design: Ajdin Bašić

Design realisation: Anja Delbello & Aljaž Vesel / AA

Proof reading: Miha Šuštar

Translations: Marko Bauer, Andrej Tomažin

Print: Demat, d. o. o., Ljubljana

Circulation: 300 izvodov

Published by: Društvo Galerija Boks, Marije Hvaličeve 14, 1000 Ljubljana

Supported by: Društvo Igor Zabel | Galerija Škuc | Mednarodni grafični likovni center | Mestna galerija Ljubljana | Moderna galerija in Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova | Umetnostna galerija Maribor | Zavod Celeia Celje- Center sodobnih umetnosti | Sponsor: Pizzeria Foculus