Reading by: Kazimir Kolar, Simon Sellars, Šiša, Primož Krašovec. Intro is a passage from Šum #13: Shanghai Frequencies Sounds & Visuals: Matej Mihevc & Liara T’Soni Concept: Marko Bauer Organisation & Production: Tjaša Pogačar Tracklist: more eaze – bru5h (FOIL, 2018) UNITEDSTATESOF – Result (Slagwerk, 2019) body of water – gill man’s slumber (Terry Planet, 2018) soapkin – sigh (Quantum Natives, 2020) Crown Shyness – Home of Depths (Quantum Natives,… more

[:si]ŠUMxVIDEO: Infrastruktura kot kritika[:en]ŠUMxVIDEO: Infrastructure as Critique[:]

ŠUMxVIDEO: Infrastruktura kot Kritika Kurator: Maks Valenčič Govorci: Glen Weyl, Ash Milton, Zoë Hitzig Oblikovalec: Jaka Neon / Oblikovalec zvoka: Matej Mihevc Šum’s video programme this time deals with planning. In line with the main theme of this year’s festival, Šum will host guests that take the issue of planning seriously and with a high degree of speculation to open a discussion on radical markets, the future of management and… more

Šum's Study Seminar in MGLC (2016- )

The main focus of the ŠUM’s Study seminar, organized in collaboration with International Centre of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana (MGLC), focuses on the systemic side of contemporary art and its troubles that often, especially in the local context of art, are dealt with by falling back on the “personal”. More or less tightly knitted proffessional communities, composed of governmental institutions, non-governmental organizations and different public initiatives, and enclosed in narrow… more

Collaboration with NETEORIT (2013-15)

ŠUM collaborated with the  “Neteorit” in 2013-15 in terms of co-organizing the research modules focusing on contemporary art. NETEORIT was a self-organized program of lectures, talks and debates related to art, theory and politics  that took place mainly in Moderna galerija (MG+MSUM), that supported the program by offering museum spaces and some facilities free of charge. Neteorit was run by various collectives and individuals (artists, philosophers, students,  activists)  who organized it according… more

[:si]BRANJE DEL (2012- )[:en]READING WORKS (2012-)[:]

Reading Works  (Branje del) is a series of public discussions centering on critical rethinking and actualization of selected historical and contemporary artworks from museum (inter)national collections and exhibitions, taking into account current issues in the art and wider socio-politcal context. The “reading works” series is organized since 2012. The selection of works is not predetermined but is formed in response to the beformentioned context.   8.3.2014 Branje del 7: Ana… more


(slo)   ASU je praktično teoretski seminar, ki se osredotoča na kritično premišljevanje raznolikih praks in strategij sodobne umetnosti iz lokalnega prostora, ki jih poskušamo premisliti z ozirom na družbene, politične in druge kontekste, v katere se vpenjajo. Na posameznih javnih srečanjih si skupaj natančneje ogledamo izbrano umetniško delo/projekt/prakso: Kratek uvod, ki ga pripravi koordinator seminarja, služi kot odrivna točka za pogovor, v katerem poskušamo prisotni skupaj prepoznati, premisliti in… more


(slo) Seminar TSU pokriva področje kritične teorije sodobne umetnosti. Iz pozicije neposredne sodobnosti poskuša omogočiti refleksijo pogojev, ki določajo delovanje in produkcijo v polju sodobne umetnosti. To počne s prepletanjem in premislekom dveh nivojev: a) lokalne vpetosti (kako nas določa lokalna tradicija, v kolikšni meri in na katere načine so lokalni narativi in konceptualizacije umetnosti relevantni za mlade ustvarjalce, kritike, teoretike in kuratorje, kako specifične produkcijske okoliščine značilne za lokalni kulturno-umetniško… more


(slo)   Seminar o kuratorskih praksah in njihovih strategijah, ki sestoji iz teoretičnega ali bralnega dela, kjer se udeleženci soočijo z osnovnimi teksti tega področja in poskušajo na njihovi podlagi premisliti lokalno razstavno produkcijo. Seminar je namenjen vsem, ki bi radi podrobneje razumeli sodobno razstavno formo in mehanizme, ki za njo stojijo (naj bodo ti institucionalni ali ne). Kuriranje namreč ostaja zanemarjeno na študijskih programih slovenskih univerz, četudi se je med… more