18. Oct 2015
Povezava: 24.10. SURFACE // RESISTANCE, Art Event in Museum of Madness, Cmurek
You are kindly invited to SURFACE // RESISTANCE, an art event on Saturday, October 24th at 8pm at castle Cmurek, Trate 7.
***Free admission
***There will be an organised transportation with bus from Ljubljana, that will be returnig afer the event. For more information please contact us at povrsina.odpor@gmail.com, where you can also reserve your seat.
is an event that intervenes into the spaces of castle Cmurek. The castle, first mentioned in 1145, has over the course of the past century served many purposes: after a centuries-long ownership by the Stubenbergs, short management of the Mali family and Nazi use between the Second World War, it became a home for elderly people and in 1956 a division of the Institute for the mentally and neurologicaly ill Hrastovec. The division was operative until 2004, when the castle was abandoned in the first and so far only case of psychiatric deinstitutionalization in the country. Ten years later, a local cross-border initiative is striving to establish a Museum of Madness.
These diverse and irreconcilable historical contexts (and regimes of power) left a strong mark on the castle’s architecture. The rooms are packed with historical moments without a clear chronology, which establishes a time of the surface, a time of unusual co-existence without before and after, but rather below and above. It seems that the castle has ended its history, that it has become a heterogeneous monolith which resists every intervention. Its resistance is a resistance of an eclectic hole, in which every new intervention is threatened to be exposed as an unacceptable foreign body.
The event will take this risk, and with the artworks of Tibor Hajas, Živa Božičnik Rebec, literary reading of Uroš Prah, music program of Miha Šajina and accompanying video projection contend with the ‘negativity’ of this surface. It will magnify the resistance of the space, this evasive barrier that persistently rejects the context of its entry. However, this will also be the resistance as a form of corporeality. As a corporeality of the space itself, the inverted body of the absence of bodies and at the same time the anticipation of the ‘foreign bodies’ to come.
***In the next year the event will also be followed by a publication about the effects of its intervention.
***The event is coproduced by the paraliterary organisation I. D. I. O. T. and supported by the Institution Museum of insanity, Trate, JSKD, Moderna galerija with the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (+MSUM) and KID Pina.
Contact information:
e-mail: povrsina.odpor@gmail.com